sleeve gastrectomy andother bariatric surgeries in Iran

Sleeve Gastrectomy and other Bariatric Surgeries in IRAN

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In this article, we are going to talk about a famous problem called obesity. We also want to introduce you to one of the best treatments for this medical problem. Maybe you are encountering this medical problem or are probably a little overweight. You want to get rid of this disease, and there are no differences anyway. We know being overweight isn’t appropriate in our society, and obesity causes very diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes types, and certain cancers. I think today, and no one wants to be obese. If you feel like me and want to get rid of this disease quickly, you should try one of the bariatric surgeries! In the following paragraphs, we discuss efficient bariatric surgeries like gastric bypass surgery and sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

When do you need a Bariatric Surgery?!

As you probably know, there are several ways to lose weight like following a special diet, exercise plans or consider medical tips like:

  • Eat more fiber
  • Use a smaller plate
  • Eat tea and coffee
  • Select weight loss-friendly foods
  • Drink some water before the meals
  • Eat foods slowly
  • Etc.

But following these ways should be considered for the long term! And the people love immediate rewards (according to studies in the Atomic habit book, written by James Clear). Unfortunately, people cannot take small steps and wait for a long time to see results. For this reason, most people fail in following a regular exercise or diet plan. And also, some medical problems stop or slowly losing weight procedures such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and sleep apnea. But what should we do!? If you cannot lose weight with the above methods, it’s time to think about famous and credible bariatric surgical operations such as sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass! But are these operations proper? Do they have risks?! What do these operations do? In the following paragraphs, we want to tell you everything you need to know about these bariatric surgical operations. Be with us!

Regular exercise should be the first action to lose weight :

exercise is the best way to lose weight
exercise is the best way to lose weight

What’s Sleeve Gastrectomy ?

Let’s start with one of the most popular surgeries called sleeve gastrectomy, this operation is used for losing weight (you can except 60%-80% losing weight), and the procedure of surgery is simple, the surgeon removes around 60%-80% of your stomach, and the rest of your stomach will be like a sleeve, that’s why we call this surgery, “sleeve gastrectomy”! Usually, This surgery is performed laparoscopically (it is one of the best ways to do a bariatric surgery). Sleeve gastrectomy surgery is relatively safe. Like any surgery, maybe you encounter a few complications, but overall, if you choose a good doctor and follow post-operative care after the surgery, you should expect a successful surgery with the lowest complications. The last tip about sleeve gastrectomy is prompting hormonal changes that are in association with weight loss; the essential hormone change is reducing ghrelin hormone or “the hunger hormone” as a result, your hunger feel will be shallow, and you cannot eat very much, this helps you to lose weight gradually.

Let’s show you how sleeve gastrectomy works by an image:

sleeve gastrectomy
sleeve gastrectomy

As you can see in the image above, after sleeve gastrectomy, your stomach will be so small and, as a result, you will feel full after eating a little food! Also, this operation can treat some weight-related medical problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.

Who is the Best Candidate for Sleeve Gastrectomy ?!

  • Age older than 18 and under 65 years old
  • The people, those who have 40 BMI (body mass index) score
  • Those who havea BMI of 35-39 with another disease like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.  

Note: if you don’t know what BMI is?! You should know it’s just a measure to show us how healthy we are in terms of weight. BMI formula is BMI = kg/m2. The weight of a person in kilograms and m is the height of a person in meters squared. If your BMI score is under 18.5, you are underweighted, and it’s better to gain a little weight. Also, 18.5-24.9 scores show Normal weight status, 25.0-29.9 scores show overweight weight status, and 30.0 and above scores show Obese weight status.

What’s gastric bypass :

Let’s talk about another excellent surgery for weight loss. Andgastric bypassis a surgery that changes the way, stomach and intestines handle the food you eat. i.e., your stomach will be so small, and you cannot overeat anymore! The foods you eat won’t go into some parts of your stomach and intestine, which absorb the foods!! (don’t worry, you still receive vitamins and minerals). With this surgery, you can lose around 30%-40% of your excess body weight.

In the figure below, you can see stomach and intestine before and after of gastric bypass surgery operation:

gastric bypass surgery
Gastric Bypass Surgery

Who’s the best candidate for gastric bypass?!

If you want to know if you are a good candidate for gastric bypass operation or not!? Remember, the conditions of these surgeries are just like the other bariatric surgeries such as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and Sassi bypass. i.e., If you suffer from obesity with a BMI of over 40 or other obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes and your BMI score is 35-39, then this surgery is helpful for you. Also, your age should be between 16 and 70 years (there are some exceptions).

The other conditions for this surgery are resting for at least six weeks after the surgery and the ability to pay on average 20000$.

How to find a great surgeon to perform a Bariatric Surgery in Iran?

Let’s calculate how much you need bariatric surgery like gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy. First of all, you should know your expenses depend on many factors like the locations of operation, surgeon (we’ll introduce a fantastic doctor that you can trust completely), and the hospital where your procedure is performed, etc.

We have an excellent proposal for you, and it is doing the surgery operation in Iran.

Maybe you have heard a lot about Iran, but an interesting fact about this country is very cheap services (of course for foreigners), beautiful people (according to tourists who have traveled to Iran), great doctors, and an efficient healthcare system. In 2016, Bloomberg news ranked Iran as the 30th most efficient healthcare system. This rank is even better than powerful countries like the United States and Brazil. 

Then you should think seriously about Bariatric surgery in Iran because of the low costs and good doctors. DR. FARBOD EMAMI YEGENEH is one of the well-educated, experienced, and trustable doctors in Iran. He is an advanced laparoscopic and bariatric surgeon. For now, Dr. Farbod Emami accepts Bariatric surgeries like sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass.

Dr. Farbod Emami Yeganeh Portrait
Dr. Farbod Emami Yeganeh

How much do Bariatric Surgeries (like sleeve gastrectomy)cost in IRAN ?

As we have already said, the costs of bariatric surgeries depend on many factors, but the most important factors include:

  • Location
  • The hospital
  • The surgeon’s fees
  • The types of procedure

According to our research, the average cost of gastric bypass is 23000$, and the average price of sleeve gastrectomy is 14900$. Before any actions, you should determine if your insurance covers some of the costs or not!

If Dr. Farbod Emami does this surgery, you should know except 2500$ for sleeve gastrectomy and 3000$ for gastric bypass surgery (the surgeon’s fees looks very affordable!), but also you have to think about location costs (this surgery operation is going to do in Tehran, capital of Iran country). And for the hospital costs, you shouldn’t be worried because the prices are very low for florigens. If you ask about the type of procedure belonging to surgery, you should know Dr. Farbod Emami performed   Surgeries laparoscopically.

Conclusion :

Nowadays, obesity isn’t just related to style, but we should consider this problem as a disease! The people with a suitable weight are healthier and more confident. Also, they have more choices when they are shopping for clothes. If you have decided to lose weight, we should say congratulations because you are going to go toward a healthier life and have better moments in society. And second, you have to start with small steps and make poor people habits such as walking, exercise, eating low, loving vegetables and burn calories more than earning that. If these methods are helpful, you don’t need to do anything, but if they cannot help you, you must try other ways like doing bariatric surgery operations. We introduced two reputed bariatric surgeries that depending on your conditions and wishes, and you can choose one. But before any actions, make sure you can do post-operative care, and if you do not go to work for about one month or more, you are not going to be fired!

You need to post-operative care make sure you have time for it.

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